Caribbean Poverty by dutch design and the violations of their legal obligation to safeguard human rights and freedoms

kingdom charter art 43 2020

The avalanche of colonial journalism and politics during the Corona calamity buries the reality of the constitutional responsibility of the dutch government in their colonized territories. The hunger exploitation stories and political spindoctoring have been consistent to lie, hide the undeniable truth that article 43.2 holds the dutch government responsible when Aruba Curaçao St.Martin as semi-autonomous countries can’t provide human rights and freedoms for their peoples. When dutch Caribbean celebrities have to organize a fundraiser to assist the islands with basic human needs it reveals the scandalous violating behaviour of the dutch state that by design has been keeping them in poverty. Ever since 1954 when the charter was created the dutch government has systematically violated article 43.2.

Any fake gesture of the dutch government stays fake and an insult of the peoples intelligence in the Caribbean. They pour some millions down here and make people buy into the “we are one kingdom” fable.
The truth of the matter is that their grave disrespect of their legal obligations to invest in these islands is a cold racialized calculation. Better said the epicenter of dutch white plunder in The Hague will never voluntary obey it’s own laws to secure high levels of social life in the Caribbean. They will continue to sprinkle crumbs maintain our lives impoverished until we as a people realize we have to flatten their colonial curve.


100 Caribbean Capitalism Achievements: Don’t Say Sandals Resort reminds Curacao of Slavery

The recently opened Sandals resort in Curacao was denounced by workers that felt pressured by the management to work as slaves on a plantation. VBC the business association of Curacao (of the white minority ruling elite) reacted in a dutchified damage control way by saying that these expressions by workers, members of parliament and society scare off investors in the tourism industry. According to VBC Curacao needs Sandals and not the other way around. Caribbean capitalism keeps on digging itself in a grave full of delusions. Sadly many still believe that the workers need to change their mentality to attract more of these ‘5-star hotels’ to lift up the economy. However the reality in the Caribbean has always been that tourism is a continuation of slavery. If you know, you know.

Nos A Bin Pa Vense 1795

Nan a kap mannan di Diana paso ela strangula makamba.
Diana a bin disididu. Diana a buta drama. Ban alabe.

Konmemorashon di nos dianan di lucha pa libertat pretu no por keda mara na un solo dia so.
Un trampa ku henter Karibe ta kai den dje, sea ta dia di emansipashon o un dia kaminda a derama sanger pa kita e kadenanan di opreshon. Tur ta bira dianan kaminda rebelion kreativo ta keda remplasa pa festividat rekordatorio. Deliberadamente ta konsentra mas riba un honramentu di nos avochinan ku a sakrifika bida pa ta liber enbes di usa nan aktonan di liberashon komo inspirashon pa sigui ku moveshonnan ku ta refleha e deseo pretu universal pa yega nan gradonan haltu avansa di libertat na Korsou. 
Si un delegashon di parlamentarionan ulandes ta yega aki pa wak kon e impakto di sklabitut ta afektando Korsou i Doble R ta toka na e monumento di 1795 i miles di hende ta choria den e luga e ora ei bo tin ku puntra bo mes: Ta ken nos ta honrando di berdat? 365 dia a pasa anto e agonia, e almanan pretu a pasa den tur sorti tormenta rasial. Na unda e liderasgo emansipatorio a keda pa wak nan mes karanan den spil i bisa den ki sorti estado e yu di tera ta den 2022? Konta ku su edukashon, su skolnan di apartheid ta eksisti ketu bai, Kon ta ku su salud, e ta keda venena ketu bai pa un import elite. Kon ta ku su religiosidat, spiritualidat, e ta ketu bai kolonisa pa un kristianismo ku ta lage kere ku kolonialismo ulandes ta un akto di buena fe.
Na unda e fayonan ta? Ken ta komete nan? Dikon no por atende ku esnan ku ta viola nos?
Kiko ta e kosnan basiko ku bo politikonan, sektor priva, medionan di komunikashon, akademikonan, intelektualnan, sindikatonan, organisashonnan sosial, religioso mester hasi pa bida di un pueblo pretu bai dilanti? Mientras no ta papiando riba esaki nos ta skohe pa baila ku almasola, Ta bon konosi ku kapitalismo krioyo no ke pa e pueblo aki brasa su eksperiensia di ta pretu libera. Ta pretu ku deseonan di ta mas liber posibel ta nifika kaida di kapitalismo den Karibe. E ta nifika makamba lo no por traha plaka for di nos trouma, e ta nifika tur otro rasa lo no bin aki domina den areanan di ekonomia. E ta ensera e YDK por krea su mes futuro enbes di un ku a keda konstrui pe ku ta sangra su spiritu. 
Ora karnaval a kaba semper ta evalua kon a bai e ana aki. Ta analisa, komenta, ta bin ku ideanan nobo, ta purba di bin mas duru e siguiente ana. Ora ta konmemora porehempel e lucha di 1795 no ta hasi nada di esei, Ta tira diskurso, ta menshona reparashon sin splika na plaka chiki kiko e ta nifika. Ta laga makambanan bin sin ku gobiernu, parlamentu, i mas importante e pueblo tin un mandato kla na unda nan ta para ku e asuntu di reparashon pa sklabitut ulandes.
Si di berdat liderasgo emansipatorio ke pa hende tuma nan na serio nan tin ku kumpli ku e kosnan basiko minimalmente. Nan tin ku pasa e batuto pa un generashon mas hoben, nan tin ku buska i krea talento ku por defende e YDK pretu aki sin strobashon di hansa nan kurason pa entrada i menasa di un sosiedat kolonisa i elite di poder. Tanten liderasgo emansipatorio no ta rekonose ku nan ta drai riba un nivel mediokre aki na Korsou pero tambe na ulanda nos no ta bai dilanti manera mester ta. E adelanto tei semper pero falta hopi pa kanta gloria ainda.  

1795 a krea ofishalmente deklara pa gobiernu un heroe nashonal pakiko tur nos institutonan gobernamental no ta hana e ordu pa distribui konesementu i hancha e konsenshi pretu liberativo ku palabra i aktonan sikiera den luna di ougustus te ku oktober kaminda e lucha a kaba den un lamna di sanger sakrifisial? Un vise-prome minister ta deklara ku Korsou ta eksigi reparashonan na nomber di gabinete Pisas huntu ku un eks prome minister pero e no ta bira notisia nashonal, ni regional den Kribe ni e ta yega prensa na ulanda. Aki un dje fayonan ta sinta. E falta di mas seriedat, mas strategia basiko ora bo ta bringa riba e telon di opinion publiko internashonal. 
Uniko konklushon ku hende por saka ta e stengelnan di konstrui un arkitektura di spiritunan kombativo anti-kolonialismo ulandes no a bai laira ainda. 

The devil is dutch: Reparations for the Caribbean

1st of July 1863 was the official ending of dutch slavery for Saba Bonaire Curaçao Statia Aruba St.Martin on paper. 159 years later the promise of Black freedom has not been fulfilled in the Caribbean. Ma Djini tells us that the afterlives of enslavement and present day colonialism teaches everybody that the devil is dutch. All these islands are owed reparatory healing. Reparations are demanded from the dutch state, commerce, and religious/cultural/educational institutions.


Na luto p’e loledat di ‘nos lomba ta kontr’i muraya’
konsuelo di alma ta ku na un otro universo
na e momento aki bo ta kompletamente
i perfektamente normal.
Ata kaka’ki kuantu biaha
tin ku bedei, nos t’e Bozu beibinan
Hasido di bon brua rondona
pa magia di naturalesa
Dal un baño ku flor di libertat
inhala huma di
wesunan kima di den haag
Tanten mei mei di nos
diabel ta rekluta esnan
ku kurason ta bati riba ritmo di Aubade.

105 aña banko MCB selebrando atrakonan
ku nan ta tirando riba e pretunan for 1651
Anto bai konta ta kuantu triones ulanda
a hinka den su saku violando su obligashon
di finansia e islanan aki for di ’54.

Ounke e chapi, bari, e kachu ta nervia
pa libera
Ounke prensa di prens ku pancho
ta lagabu marcha den manipulashon
I bo grandinan ta sunchi Beatriki su sanka
Anto Izaline ta ketu kantando pia abou pa
un rei pendeu


E biaha’ki si ta niki pabo
E biaha’ki si no ta hala
nanishi ku polbu stuyvesant.
Na Geni nan a grita: “Ami ta bai mi tera.
E shon di: “Imposiblu”, mientras nan a subi bula bai den laira